Barron, Adler, Clough & Oddo, PLLC Joins ALI CLE for the 2025 Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation Conference
Barron, Adler, Clough & Oddo, PLLC was proud to sponsor and speak at ALI CLE’s 42nd Annual Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation Conference held in San Diego, CA this past weekend. BACO has been participating in this conference for the past 10 years.
This premier conference brings together eminent domain attorneys from across the country, offering over 30 panels that explore the latest challenges and developments in the field. As the only national conference dedicated to eminent domain and condemnation, it serves as a vital platform for legal professionals to stay informed on emerging issues related to regulatory takings, inverse condemnation, valuation, and property owner relocations.
The event also welcomed professionals from various other sectors, including public and private bar attorneys, nonprofit legal experts, appraisers, and law professors, to share insights and perspectives.
Barron, Adler, Clough & Oddo, PLLC attorney Andrew York, alongside Scott Jenny from California-based Jenny & Jenny, LLP, presented on Texas Department of Transportation v. Self in their session, “I Think I Shall Never See – Just Compensation for a Tree: Strategies for Securing Recovery for Trees, Crops, and Fixtures.” York’s presentation highlighted issues raised in the favorable 2024 opinion from the Texas Supreme Court in the Self case, which York successfully argued in 2023. Additionally, managing partner Christopher Clough led a session on comparative appraisal analysis, entitled “The Art of the Chart: How to Use Comparative Appraisal Analysis to Make Your Point.” This was an updated version of a presentation Clough previously presented at another ALI CLE conference which focuses on the use of critical persuasive math and chart exhibit creation used in comparing appraisal testimony for finders of fact.
We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this distinguished event and extend our thanks to our fellow colleagues and legal professionals for making this year’s national eminent domain conference such a success. Until next year!